
Sydney update...

Hi! For those who were wondering what has been going on. My parents have left for the Netherlands again and life is back to normal. It was nice that they were here. Before they left we visited the zoo and the aquarium too see all the animals that could not be bothered too show themselves while we were travelling and that was nice. We also had some pretty nice dinners.

Since my parents left I have been celebrating my refound freedom by going out in the city. On friday with some Dutch people and a Canadian - Andre Hazes still lives in Sydney and I can recommend the disco ceiling at the Iguano bar - and yesterday I went to Spectrum with some girls from university. Spectrum is a nice Indie bar kind of thing where we went to see a band. I had a pretty good time.

Now I am looking forward to a nice nights sleep and getting rid of a remarkably high pile of homework tomorrow, hoping to salvage something of my holidays...

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