
This week...

Hi! How are you? I am quite fine. Having a bit of bad luck lately it seems, but applying the "no worries" mentality and solving the problems later, seems to be working fine. My third e-request to change my course got denied, so I have decided to stick with the courses I have got. Then I got an email that my application for a travel scholarship has gotten lost, so I will have to apply again for that. This is not so nice, as it involves quite sum of money. I hope. Also the the rear wheel of my bike broke some spokes. But I got that fixed quite nicely, as the shop where I got it decided to replace the entire wheel. While waiting I saw the nice big spider below.

So the wheel got fixed and the boring course seems to be getting better. Now just to get the money sorted and start looking for a graduation project. If you have a nice one, let me know!

I also went rowing yesterday. This was quite an experience as the rowing took place at 5.15. In the morning, that is before the suns comes up. It was pretty cool: rowing in the dark with lights on the boat, into the sunrise. Maybe I will pick it up again. When I got back some told me that boats on the river occasionally get attacked by sharks. And I will have to consider the time.

Tomorrow I will try surfing, so stay tuned and I'll let you know how that works out!

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