

Hi! I have just seen a lot of bats flying through the city tonight. They look very cool and they move in large groups. Below you see them hanging in the tree in the Royal Botanical Garden. They sleep and hang during the day and go look for food at night. When they fly they have a cool batman silhouette against the night sky. Luckily they only eat fruit. I think. A cool site on bats is sydneybats.org.au, read their article by clicking here.

To get you started, here are some quotes from sydneybats.org.au:

"Flying-foxes groom their fur frequently with their claws and lick their wings. They urinate on themselves to wash and in the summer they urinate on themselves, then fan their wings to cool down."

"Do flying-foxes drink? Yes. They swoop down to belly-dip in rivers and dams. They then land on trees and lick the water from their belly fur."

"Can I have one as a pet? No."

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